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Goat Born With A Human Face In India

They performed rituals and prayers surrounding it
Preetijit Chaal
13 Apr 2021, 02:39 PM

Main Image Via

A goat was recently born in India with a face that resembles a human being! 

The goat was born with four legs, two ears just like any normal goat, however, it did not have a tail and it looked similar to a human! It even had a beard. 

Unfortunately, it only lived for about 10 minutes before passing away.


The villagers in Gujarat, India, performed rituals and prayers surrounding it as they believed the goat was a reincarnation of their great grandmother. 

Some believed it was an avatar of God. 

It is pretty mind blowing.

We too aren’t sure as to how this goat could look like a human! And no, it is impossible for a human to produce offspring with an animal, if that is what you are wondering. 

What do you guys think?

Info Via Juice 

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