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Top 5 Biggest Nutrition Myths

Educate yourself by separating fact from fiction
Preetijit Chaal
23 Nov 2021, 10:37 AM

Main Image Via Medical News Today

We are exposed to endless information about nutrition and health but can it all be trusted?
Here are 8 biggest myths related to nutrition!

1. High fat foods are unhealthy

top 5 biggest nutrition myths
Many people are trying to avoid high fat foods and follow a low fat diet because they assume that is beneficial for their overall health. However, dietary fat is essential for optimal health. It is also proven that high fat foods can help you maintain a healthy weight.

2. White potatoes are unhealthy

top 5 biggest nutrition myths

White potatoes are highly nutritious and can be included as part of a healthy diet as they are packed with potassium, vitamin C and fiber. On the plus side, they are more filling than other carb sources like rice or pasta. 


3. Supplements are a waste of money

top 5 biggest nutrition myths

While it is definitely more healthy consuming nutrients from its actual source, consuming supplements in the right form can be beneficial. 

For instance, health conditions like type 2 diabetes benefits from supplements such as magnesium and vitamin B as it enhances blood sugar and reduces heart disease risk factors. 


4. Carbs make you gain weight

top 5 biggest nutrition myths

Many people are concerned about consuming carbs as they fear it will cause obesity, diabetes and other adverse health effects. Nutritious carbs such as root vegetables, grains and legumes are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals! 


5. You have to be skinny to be healthy

top 5 biggest nutrition myths

Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression and cancers are few of the health conditions associated with obesity. However, reducing your risk of disease does not mean you have to be skinny. Rather, maintaining a healthy body fat percent by consuming a nutritious diet is most vital for a healthy life. 

Educating yourself by separating fact from fiction when it comes to nutrition will help sustain a healthy dietary pattern that works for you. 

Info Via Healthline


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