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Our minds and mental health aren’t a joke, and we should do our best to take care of them in every way. Though there are many exercises and techniques you can adopt to help improve them, listening to classical music is a passive yet effective method.
Here’s how classical music can improve your cognition and psyche:
#1 Uplifting classical music can temporarily boost memory and IQ
In 2013, a research team from Northumbria University (UK) experimented on a group of students’ brain function when doing tests while listening to Vivaldi’s Spring concerto. They were able to solve problems faster than when listening to Autumn concert, which sounds sadder.
#2 Increase in productivity when you listen to it while doing mundane tasks
This study found that the type of music you listen to can greatly affect your productivity while doing everyday tasks such chores or work. In fact, this practice dates back to the 20th century, where factory workers would sing in unison and sailors would whistle to themselves.
#3 You can apparently regain memories despite suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s!
Neurologist Oliver Sacks found that people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias can respond to music, especially calming ones like classical music, when nothing else reaches them. Though the person may have forgotten everyone and everything, musical memory somehow survives, and it can help reawaken memories and associations.
#4 It can improve your sleep quality
The National Centre for Biotechnology Information shared a research, where a group of students listening to relaxing classical music had better sleep quality as compared to listening to an audio book. They found that music is better than verbal stimuli because it helps relax the mind and body prior to falling asleep.
#5 If you have depression, if can help decrease your symptoms
In the same research posted by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, it was found that symptoms of depression were significantly decreased as well. This can be attributed to the increase in relaxation, proving that both calming tunes and better sleep quality improve moods.
#6 Relieve your anxiety and lower your stress levels
This study by Turkish researchers found that music can help with anxiety and stress. However, they found that the results were significantly better when it was classical Turkish music.