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Work Stress Is Not Worth Your Time. Here Are 5 Ways To Chase It Away

There’s no point in overstressing yourself with work.
07 Mar 2023, 11:31 AM

Work can get overbearing sometimes, especially during these trying times.

But forcing yourself through the stress may not necessarily be a good idea, especially since it can affect the quality of your work. Instead, pull yourself away from it for a few minutes, take a breather, and gather your thoughts, then get back at it with a refreshed mind.

Here are some little things you can do, which will bring a whole lot of difference in your mood and your work…

1. Take a walk

Get off that chair and start moving—be it to the kitchen or for a short walk to the pateo or just outside your house. 


2. Make yourself a cup of tea

Tea is known to have calming properties. So make yourself a cuppa—chamomile, black tea, green tea, or anything you can get from the office pantry.


3. Do simple workout and stretches

Staying seated for an extended amount of time is not good for you. Studies have shown that it can badly affect your posture. So, to get the blood flowing, do these simple stretches…

work stress is not worth your time. here are 5 ways to chase it away

Picture source: Wellness For Life

4. Text your loved ones

Everyone has that special someone—be it a spouse, a parent, or even a pet—

whose mere thought of makes them happy. So, go ahead and give them some attention—even a simple emoji will put a smile on their—and ultimately, your—face.


5. Look at the picture of your favourite person

There’s a reason why people keep photos of their loved ones near them. It’s because simply looking at the photo will trigger a happy memory. So, if you have one of such photos on your work desk—and you should, if you don’t have one already—look at it and watch the stress slowly disappear.


Stay safe, stay at home if you can, practise good hygiene standards and have a wonderful day.

Cover photo: Pexels

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