At a time like this, joining forces is what Malaysians are about.

LITE Kamicare Kita Jaga Kita together with your Jiran Prihatin, Lotus's Malaysia are collecting food donations for those in need. Food donations will be distributed by Lotus's Malaysia, Food Aid Foundation, Kechara Soup Kitchen, and The Lost Food Project.

So, how can we all help?

If you wish to donate, here are a list of items to consider:

Cooking Oil
Powdered Milk
Dried Foods
Tin Foods
Disposable Diapers
and other necessities

And your contributions can be dropped off in the Charity Food Bins at all Lotus's Malaysia outlets.

OR another option for you to contribute as below.

No one is alone. We’re in this together.

#KamiCareHelpline #KitaJagaKita #KitaKanJiran

Activation Period : 12 July - 8 August 2021